
I book home care for my mum online

How lovely it would be if you don’t have to wait weeks to see your GP, followed by another long wait for medical test results? Imagine picking up your device and right on your mobile device or any other chosen device and you are able to book a care provider for yourself or any loved one? This is what much more technology has to offer in the healthcare sector.

We are acquainted with the changing demographic trends, and we are not ignorant of the emergence of an ageing population and rapid increase in chronic illnesses – this is creating a huge demand for health care and social services. Again this has brought a great challenge given the sophistication of 21st-century technology.

Technology has played a huge role in changing our lives and making life easier, the same trends obviously should appear at a distance in the healthcare sector. An efficient healthcare system of the future should empower medical practitioners and patients.

We are glad improvements are seen along this trend. According to a news published on BBC, we saw a story of Louisa Bravery ‘I book home care for my mum online’ is a clear point that care providers are in touch with digital trends.

According to Louisa: She needs a little personal care when other members of the family are out at school or work.

Louisa wasn’t sure how to go about things but discovered she could book her mother’s care using an online service.

That makes it a lot easier to plan care flexibly depending on when Peggy might be needing a carer.

“I just log in via the internet using my phone and just select the number of hours and the day and the time I want the carer to come. It’s really quick and also the payment’s all done online,” Louisa says.

At whitecrest Care Services, we identify with this trend. As an agency regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), we have made it an obligation to take advantage of technology to provide quality healthcare to everyone at all times.

New technology keeps emerging and harnessed likewise both for booking carers and also facilitating remote monitoring of the elderly, so reducing the need to visit homes every now and then.

We have seen technologies like personal alarms, GPS tracking devices and movement sensors for 24 hours monitoring, tablet computers and video conferencing to keep in touch with carers, music reminders and a whole lot more.

Graham Allen, Hampshire’s director of adults’ health and care, says there have been a massive savings of £4.7m over the period of three years because of fewer visits by carers, thanks to the use of technology.

“Crucially, it’s freed up formal care time, doing those tasks that only human beings can deliver to other humans. So it’s a win-win,” he says.

No doubt, technology has come to stay, and it would be right to expect even more developments in the nearest future. At whitecrest Care, we are committed to following technological trends and deploying them in the cause of our services.

We are proud to say; that we move mountains for you.

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